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Bayshore Counseling Services offers a wide variety of services and programs for all of Erie and Ottawa County. We believe that mental health services should be accessible. Telehealth services are provided on a case by case basis.
Behavioral Health Treatment Services
Counseling for both mental health and chemical dependency issues. Services offered:
Diagnostic Assessment
Screening and Counseling for Problem Gamblers
Individual Counseling
Couples Counseling
Family Counseling
Groups for Alcohol and Drug Addiction
Anger Management
Trauma Counseling
Fees may be adjusted based u[on income, family size and county in which you live. Funded in part by the Mental Health % Recovery Board of Erie and Ottawa Counties.
Bayshore Counseling Services is accredited through CARF and is licensed by the Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services.
Prevention Services
Mental health and alcohol, tobacco and other drug prevention programs offered to parents, schools, community groups, and other agencies. Programs include:
Early Childhood Mental Health
School Prevention Programs
Community Education
Summer Prevention Programs
Evidence-Based Parent Programs
Criminal Justice Programming​
Drug Courts
Jail Services
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