“Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.”
Bayshore's Prevention department is focused on enhancing resiliency and protective factors through parenting classes, planned activities, and presentations in the Erie and Ottawa schools and communities.
Prevention is planned strategies and activities designed to reduce the risk of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use as well as mental health issues in an age-appropriate manner. Prevention operates by using the consultative stance, risk/protective factor theory and the theory of asset development.
Put Parenting First classes are offered in Erie and Ottawa county. Parenting classes are also offered via Telehealth. Please call Bayshore Counseling Services or email Carrie Kennedy at ckennedy@bayshorecs.org.
We offer evidence based and best practice programs such as Devereux’s Early Childhood Assessment Program, The CHILD Scale, The Consultative Stance and PECE within Erie and Ottawa County schools and communities.
Bayshore also received a grant for Early Childhood Mental Health called Whole Child Matters. This grant involves children from 0-8 years old. Through this grant, Bayshore has an ECMH consultant in one school in Erie County and one school in Ottawa County. The consultants will offer screenings, interventions and home consultation to engage parents of children who may be struggling with classroom behaviors. Through collaboration with school administration, staff and referral sources, the goal is to reduce behavior referrals and increase student's time in the classroom exhibiting appropriate and productive behaviors.
Bayshore also provides Early Childhood Mental Health services, which are classroom observation and home visits to parents of three- to seven-year-olds in Erie and Ottawa Counties. This is provided through referral sources and self-referral. Please call Bayshore Counseling Services if interested - email Carrie Kennedy at ckennedy@bayshorecs.org.
Bayshore also received a grant for Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation to the State Support Team Region 2. Through this grant, Bayshore has been able to provide one ECMH Consultant to provide an Early Childhood Mental Health lens and support for school districts within Region 2 (Erie, Huron and Lorain Counties). The goal is to provide early childhood mental health awareness and support with school districts as well as provide wellness insight for staff.
The Prevention Department builds on protective factors and resiliencies for children and families. Let’s make every childhood a story of resilience and success!